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Notebook and Pen

Creative writing


Next to my scientific writing I am working on short stories in my freetime. I see literature and especially short stories as a way to express certain views through the eyes of an interesting and personable main character. Creative writing and art follows the purpose of engaging humans with topics they do not usually encounter or do not have the possibility to do so.


Below you find a selection of short stories and a list of publications. 



  • Moesch, Simon (2015). Untitled. In Stúdentablaðið 2/4 November 2015, Reykjavik. S.32. - 2. Platz Schreibwettbewerb University of Iceland 2015. Abrufbar unter:

  • Mösch, Simon (2017). Die Hexe Mildry und ihr großer kleiner Finger. In Frischholz, R. (Hrsg.) (2017): Hexen- und Gespenstergeschichten, Wendepunkt Verlag (Weiden). S. 66-71.

  • Moesch, Simon Sebastian (2017). Friedolins Frieden. In Haider, A., Schieck, R., Finger, B. und J. Stüsser-Simpson (2017): Werwolf. Fantasy aus dem Sperling-Verlag, Sperling Verlag (Schlüsselfeld). S. 80.

  • Mösch, Simon (2017). Über Scham und Spaß eines Kriegers. In Best of Care Schreibwettbewerb 2017 Schäm Dich, Bonn. S. 55-58 – 3.Platz Schreibewerb Care LitCologne 2017. Abrufbar unter:

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