Invasive species
Invasive species” or “alien species” defined by the EU (2017:7) as “animals and plants that have been introduced through human action to a new natural environment from other parts of the world […]. [T]he new natural environment turns out to be surprisingly favorable, in particular in the absence of their natural enemies. This allows them to spread and reproduce excessively, feeding on native species or out-competing them for habitat and resources; sometimes also carrying parasites and diseases that are lethal to native wildlife or dangerous to human health.”

Impacts of invasive species
Invasive species or invasive alien species (IAS) establish and spread in non-native ecosystems and outcompete or prey upon resident species (Horan et al. 2002). The spread of species in non-native ecosystems started in the age of exploration where humans crossed the ocean for trading and colonialization, where they either accidentally or intendedly carried plants and animals with them: Some animals or plants traveled accidentally as ballast water in ships while others were introduced for decoration, hunting or cultivation purposes (Mooney & Cleland 2001).
The animals presented in the figure above are according to the Smithsonian Institute (2010) some of the worst invasive mammals known. They were introduced accidentally (raccoon, grey squirrel) or willingly for food supply or hunting purposes (rabbit, red deer). Mostly, it is even unknown to people that these animals were not naturally part of the ecosystem they are found in nowadays (Smithsonian Institute 2010; ISSG).
A non-native species once established could become an invader and a threat to the native environment. In the worst case they have the potential to alter the ecosystem and create a monoculture (Eisenwerth & Johnson 2002). They could be seen as some kind of evil-minded tourist that seems harmless but causes trouble for native environments.

References and further reading
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Caut, S., Angulo, E., & Courchamp, F. (2009). Avoiding surprise effects on Surprise Island: alien species control in a multitrophic level perspective. Biological Invasions, 11(7), 1689-1703.
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